the 2 x 80 Watt Stereo module
advanced technology
The new 80 Watt / channel Stereo module
has been made possible by design
advances that first appeared in the three-
channel amplifier 250x3R, itself based on
technology developed for the remarkable
F1 monobloc amplifier F1- 600MR.
The new Stereo module offers a high degree of
flexibility, with three operating modes, conveniently
selected by a switch on the back of the module:
a conventional two-channel mode
providing 2 channels of
80 Watt each
a bi-amplification mode
in which both 80 Watt channels are
driven from one input
a channel bridging mode
that provides a single channel of
conservatively-rated 120 Watt, just like the Monobloc
module, described on page 10
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