Installation Manual
Step 9: Hang the indoor unit
1. Put the bound pipes in the wall pipe and then make them pass through the wall hole.
2. Hang the indoor unit on the wall-mounting frame.
3. Stuff the gap between pipes and wall hole with sealing gum.
4. Fix the wall pipe.
5. Check if the indoor unit is installed firmly and closed to the wall.
● Do not bend the drain hose too excessively in order to prevent blocking.
wall pipe
sealing gum
upper hook
lower hook of
wall-mounting frame
The through-wal height of drain hose shouldn't be higher than the outlet pipe hole of indoor unit.
The water outlet can't be placed in water in order to drain smoothly.
Slant the drain hose slightly downwards. The drain hose can't be curved, raised and fiuctuant,etc.
the drain hose can't
raise upwards.
The water outlet can't
be placedin water
The drain hose can't be fluctuan.
The drain hose
can't be fluctuant
The water outlet
can't be fluctuant.