EFFECTIVE: August 9, 2019
SUPERSEDES: May 25, 2016
It is important that you read and understand all the installation
instructions prior to beginning the installation of the unit.
1. Using the packing list as a guide, make certain that all equip-
ment arrived in the shipment and inspect for obvious damage
incurred during shipment.
2. Immediately report any damage to carrier.
3. Uncrate and lay out all the equipment in the order of installa-
tion on clean boards or floor.
The following is a checklist of tools and equipment needed
for the installation. Assemble prior to starting the installation.
( ) 1. A portable or permanent derrick of sufficient strength to
safely lift the total weight of the pump. A conservative
weight for the pump will be listed on the freight bill. The
minimum travel of the derrick should be at least 6’ greater
than the longest piece of pump equipment. Hoist must
have swivel hook.
( ) 2. One or two cable slings of sufficient strength to lift the
entire pump and long enough to clear greatest shaft pro-
( ) 3. One erector sling for lifting the driver.
( ) 4. Dial indicator calibrated in .001” divisions with a stand.
( ) 5. Wire brush, paint brush, three-cornered file, flat file, and
emery cloth.
( ) 6. Set of mechanic’s tools including an assortment of socket
( ) 7. Bucket of solvent, coal oil or naphtha, etc.
( ) 8. Machinist’s level
( ) 9. Steel tape measure.
( ) 10. Two pipe wrenches of sufficient size to handle shaft and
couplings. (Always required for hollow shaft drive).
( ) 11. One set of steel clamps to fit the pump bowl.
( ) 12. Two sets of steel clamps to fit the column pipe. NOTE:
One set is required if only one section of column is fur-
nished with the pump assembly.
( ) 13. Two 4 x 4 timbers or “H” beams (if the unit is extra large
and heavy). Long enough to span the installation opening.
( ) 14. Two “V” blocks for checking shaft straightness.
( ) 15. Two chain tongs of sufficient size to handle column pipe.
( ) 16. Thread compound and gasket compound with thinner.
( ) 17. Sufficient quantity of wedges to level discharge head or
foundation plate (if applicable).
( ) 18. Sufficient quantity of top quality non-shrink grout.
( ) 19. Teflon Paste compound for stainless threads, anti-seize
compound for the other threads.
( ) 20. Bundle of cleaning rags.
( ) 21. Putty knife.
1. Make certain that no rags, wood scraps, etc., are lodged in any
exposed openings. Check pit depth and anchor bolt spacing
with pump dimensions. Lift and handle unit carefully to prevent
bending strain damage caused by the hanging weight of the
unit. Do not lift any item by the shaft. Take extra precautions
when handling a mechanical seal or packing gland assembly
since this is a delicate and precision component.
COLUMN JOINTS. Do not allow pipe compound, solvent, or
any petroleum products to get on the rubber bearings.
3. Shaft threads are usually left hand; column threads are right
hand. If unit is shipped assembled, and has threaded
column pipe; pipe joints may have loosened during ship-
ment. Before installation check threaded connections for
tightness. A chain tong pipe wrench should be used to
verify tightness of pipe connections.
1. Clean all threads and flange faces with a wire brush or paint
brush and solvent. If required, clean threads with a three-cor-
nered file. The protective coating on the threads and flanges
is a rust preventive coating and not a thread compound or
gasket material.
2. Clean all shafts and couplings with a rag soaked in solvent.
Make certain that all bearings are clean.
3. If applicable, remove protective caps from ends of oil tubing
and clean all tubing threads and shaft bearings thoroughly
with solvent. Make certain tubing faces are free of nicks,
dents, and burrs.
4. Remove gland assembly from discharge head. Remember to
be very careful with this item.
5. Make a physical check of the discharge head or foundation
plate for proper fit to foundation.
6. Check pipe ends and couplings to be sure there are no dents,
nicks, or burrs.
7. Check shaft end for nicks, burrs, etc. The shaft alignment is
dependent on the point of the shaft ends.
8. Check all boxed shafting for straightness using “V” blocks
and dial indicator as follows:
8.a Start with “V” blocks as close to the threads as pos-
sible. Check two or more places between “V” blocks
and straighten shaft to within .003” to .005” of the Total
Indicated Run-Out. Straightening may be performed by
mechanical or high pressure on the high point.
8.b Move one “V” block about 20% of shaft length inward
from the end. Check between the “V” blocks and the
overhanging ends; straighten as in step 1 above.
8.c If straightening was required in Step 2 repeat Step 1.
Repeat the above steps until shaft checks within tolerance
in both positions. Wipe the shaft clean after checking.
VT Series
Vertical Turbine Pumps
Installation and Operation Instructions