Air-release knob
Retaining nut
Small type w/ relief-valve function
Air releasing
(1) Before proceeding with the air releasing, check that the end of the relief/air-release hose has been led back to the
tank or other container.
(2) Turn off the pump’s power, and release the pressure inside the discharge-side pipe.
(3) Turn on the pump’s power.
(4) Set the discharge volume to the maximum level. (See page 41)
(5) Press the [STOP/START] key to start operating the pump.
(6) Rotate the air-release knob clockwise by about 90 degrees.
The presence of a gap between the knob and retaining nut is now visible.
(7) After a few moments air will exit from the relief/air-release port together with the liquid.
(8) After all the air has been released, turn the air-release knob further in the clockwise direction until a clicking sound
is heard.
(9) Press the [STOP/START] key to shut down the pump.
• Under no circumstances must the air-release knob be turned counterclockwise.
• If it is difficult to release the air, keep turning the air-release knob clockwise until a clicking sound is
heard repeatedly.
33-47̲PZD総合取説̲E.indd 38
33-47̲PZD総合取説̲E.indd 38
2010/07/20 14:24:05
2010/07/20 14:24:05