Assembly Instructions:
Tools and Materials Required for Assembly:
Soldering Iron
Solder (Radio Shack 62/36/2 Rosin-Core Solder .022 diameter, part
number 64-013 or equivalent)
Tip tinner and cleaner (helpful to clean soldering tip; Radio Shack part
number 64-020 or equivalent)
Flux (Radio Shack Rosin Soldering Flux, part number 64-022 or Chipquik
SMD291 Paste Flux or equivalent)
ESD Wrist Strap (Radio Shack part number 276-2397 or equivalent)
Wire cutters and small pliers
Isopropyl Alcohol and old toothbrush/Q-tips to clean flux off PCB
Compressed Air or Hair Dryer to dry PCB after cleaning
Small screw driver
Magnifying eye glasses (helpful to prevent eye strain)
General Instructions:
Take Adequate Safety Precautions
1. Make sure your work area is un-cluttered and well-lighted.
2. Make sure your work area is well-ventilated while soldering.
Do not breathe
soldering fumes.
Use a fan to blow the fumes away from your face while you are
working or use appropriate safety equipment such as a fumes extractor or hood.
3. Wear eye-protection (safety glasses) at all times while working. No project is
worth the loss of your vision.
4. Ensure that your soldering iron is placed in a non-flammable stand when not in