ESC self-test process chirps the wrong number of battery sections, you can adjust this to
correct the detection.
3. Voltage Cutoff Type
Soft Cutoff : if this item is selected, the ESC will gradually reduce the output to 50% of the
full power when the voltage cutoff protection is activated.
Hard Cutoff : if this item is selected, the ESC will cut off the output immediately when the
voltage cutoff protection is activated.
4. Cutoff Voltage
This item is adjustable between 2.8V and 3.8. It is the voltage of one cell, if you’re using a
6S LiPo, then the final cutoff voltage of your battery is: the value you set *6.
5. Response Time
This item is for adjusting the throttle respond, the higher the value, the slower the throttle
6. Governor Parameter P
This item is for controlling the ESC compensate the amount of the motor speed during the
process of maintaining the speed-governing effect; the higher the value, the bigger the
amount; and vice versa. This function functions together with the Governor Parameter I.
7. Governor Parameter I
The ESC compensates the speed when the speed falls below or exceeds the set over-
expected value. This parameter is used to adjust the size of the degree of compensating
rotation. A parameter that is too large will cause overcompensation and a parameter that
is too small will cause under compensation.
8. Auto Restart Time
This function is effective only in the“Helicopter (Elf Governor)” mode and the “Helicopter
(Store Governor)”mode.
9. Restart Acceleration Time
This item is adjustable between 1s and 3s. It controls the time the motor needs for starting
from standstill and accelerating to the full speed when you want to rapidly restart the motor.
10. Brake Type
10.1. Normal Brake :
After selecting this option, if you move the throttle stick to the bottom
position, then the ESC will brake the motor as per the preset brake force.
10.2. Proportional Brake
: After selecting this option, the throttle range on the transmitter
is between 20% to 100%, the corresponding ESC throttle output is between 0% and 100%.
When the throttle range on the transmitter is between 20% and 0%, the corresponding
brake force is between 0 and 100%.
11. Brake Force
This item is for only effective in the “Normal Brake” mode. When moving the throttle stick
to the bottom position, it controls the brake speed (it’s the speed that motor comes to a