Greek-style Strained Yogurt
Greek-style strained yogurt is plain yogurt that has been strained to remove a high
percentage of the whey or liquid. It takes approximately 4 cups of plain yogurt to make
1 ¼ to 1 ½ cups of Greek-style yogurt.
7 jars (4 cups) of your favorite recipe of plain yogurt, chilled
4 paper coffee filters for 8-12 cup basket-style coffee makers
1. Place a double coffee filter in a medium-sized mesh strainer, large enough to hold the
2. Place the prepared strainer over a mixing bowl to catch the whey.
3. Spoon half the yogurt into the strainer. Let the whey drip into the bowl. After about 10
to 15 minutes, or when the whey stops dripping, carefully mix the yogurt with a small
rubber spatula trying not moving the paper filters. Additional whey should drip through
the coffee filter into the bowl.
4. When the whey stops dripping, carefully remove the thickened yogurt to a 2 cup storage
container, scrapping out any remaining yogurt with the spatula. Discard the used paper
filters from the strainer and the whey from the mixing bowl.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 with the remaining plain yogurt.
6. Cover container and store yogurt in the refrigerator, up to 1 week.
Yogurt Cheese
Prepared for centuries in the Middle East, fresh cheese made from thickened plain yogurt
is easy to make, as well as delicious, spread on crusty bread or pita.
1 recipe Greek-style strained yogurt
2 paper coffee filters for 8-12 cup basket-style coffee makers
Salt to taste
For serving: extra-virgin olive oil, coarsely ground black pepper, chopped fresh or dried
1. Place a double coffee filter in a medium-sized mesh strainer, large enough to hold the
2. Place the prepared strainer over a mixing bowl to catch the whey.
3. Spoon the Greek yogurt into the strainer. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerator for
48 hours.
4. After 48 hours, discard whey and remove the thickened yogurt to small mixing bowl.
Season with salt to taste.
5. Roll the yogurt cheese into ten to twelve 1-inch balls. Place on a plate and refrigerate
over night uncovered, until firm.
6. The next day, serve the cheese balls, drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil and sprinkled with
black pepper and thyme or place in a shallow plastic storage container and refrigerate
up to one week.
Variation: You can also pack the yogurt cheese in a small square or rectangular container
and use like cream cheese.
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