Reduced-Fat or Fat-Free Yogurt
1 quart (4 cups) 1% or fat-free milk
1/3 cup (2/3 cup for fat-free milk) Instant Nonfat Dry Milk
1 (6-ounce) container prepared plain yogurt, at room temperature
or 1 (5 g) envelop powdered yogurt starter
1. In a saucepan, over medium heat, bring 1 quart (4 cups) fat-free or 1% milk to boiling
point (165 to 180 degrees F). Remove from heat and let cool to 112 to 115 degrees F,
monitoring the temperature of the milk with an instant read thermometer.
2. Gently whisk together the cooled milk and dry milk until combined. Whisk in the plain
yogurt or powdered starter. Avoid frothing.
3. Fill the yogurt jars with an equal amount of the milk mixture.
4. Place the jars in the yogurt maker and cover with the lid.
5. Set the yogurt maker for 8 hours. Press the start button.
6. Refrigerate the yogurt at the end of the program, up to one week.
Sweetened Plain Yogurt
Ingredients for one batch of Quick and Easy Plain Yogurt. Traditional Plain Yogurt or
Reduced-Fat or Fat-Free Yogurt
5 tablespoons granulated sugar, honey or agave syrup
1. Prepare the yogurt mixture according to the recipe, adding the sweetener as well.
2. Fill the yogurt jars with an equal amount of the milk mixture.
3. Place the jars in the yogurt maker and cover with the lid.
4. Set the yogurt maker for 8 hours. Press the start button.
5. Refrigerate the yogurt at the end of the program, up to one week.
Variation: For vanilla yogurt, add 2 teaspoons vanilla extract along with the sugar.
Fruit-on-the-Bottom Yogurt
Ingredients for one batch of Quick and Easy Plain Yogurt, Traditional Plain Yogurt or
Reduced-Fat or Fat-Free Yogurt
4 tablespoons granulated sugar, honey or agave syrup
1 to 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
7 tablespoons fruit jam
1. Place 1 tablespoon of jam in the bottom of each yogurt jar. Set aside.
2. Prepare the yogurt mixture according to the recipe, adding the sugar and vanilla, as well.
3. Fill the prepared yogurt jars with an equal amount of the milk mixture.
4. Place the jars in the yogurt maker and cover with the lid.
5. Set the yogurt maker for 8 hours. Press the start button.
6. Refrigerate the yogurt at the end of the program, up to one week.
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