Risk from hot surface!
Wear protective gloves in maintenance and cleaning work!
Do not bend the blades of the fan when cleaning them.
Keep the air paths of the EX fans clear and clean them with a cleaning brush if necessary.
Do not use steel brushes.
Never use a high-pressure cleaner („vapour cleaner“).
Do not use any cleaning agents to clean the inside.
10.3 Maintenance, repairs
Loss of explosion protection.
As a matter of principle, repairs are always to be done by the manufacturer.
Exceptions are non-relevant components. They can be done on site or by qualified personnel of the
Failure to comply results in loss of ATEX admission (always contact the manufacturer)!
As ball bearings with „lifetime lubrication“ have been used, the EX fans are maintenance-free to a great extent. After
the end of the period of use for the grease (about 30,000 to 40,000 h in standard applications), replacement of the bea
rings is necessary.
Risk from electrical voltage!
In all installation and maintenance work:
the fan rotor must be stationary,
the electric circuit must have been interrupted and secured against switching on again,
industrial protection directives must be obeyed..
For examination and maintenance of the fans, EN 60079-17 (IEC 60079-17) is decisive.
Pay attention to untypical running noises.
Check the imbalance of the bearings.
Check whether the rotor has been bent.
10.3.1 Bearing replacement
Replace the bearings after the end of the period of use for the grease or in cases of damage. For this, request our
maintenance instructions or get in touch with our repair department (special tool).
When changing the ball bearings, only use original replacement parts (special greasing) from the firm of Systemair.