• White Balance Control
This adjusts the relative amount of red, green and blue primary color s in the image so th at the
neutral colors are reproduced correctly. The camera can be set to automatic ally adjust f or the
type of light and c ompensate for its color. Alternatively, the t ype of light source can be set
From the drop-down list, select the white balance setting suitable f or the lighting used f or your
camera. The available options are:
Automatic identification and compensation for the light source color. This can be
used in most situations and is the recommended setting.
Fixed Incandescent:
Fixed color adjustment, ideal for a room with incandescent (a glow)
lighting and good for a normal color temperature around 2600K.
Fixed Fluorescent:
Fixed color adjustment; good for fluorescent lighting with a color
temperature around 4000K to 5000K.
Fixed Outdoor:
Fixed color adjustment for sunny, with a color temperature around 6500K to
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