described in the box. There is also a selection for a single file or multiple files. In most
cases multiple files should be selected to ensure that the files are not very large in size.
This helps when transferring the files to another media and also mitigates the risk of file
corruption. The user can select the appropriate file size for the "new" file break to occur.
6) Direct SEG-Y Zoom data storage. Selected when SEGY header information is entered,
the "Save a SEGY Zoom file" check box allows for the independent storage of Zoom
data when a Zoom mode is enabled. If this box is NOT checked, only Normal data is
stored when recording is enabled. The SEGY storage of Zoom data provides higher
resolution (in proportion to the Zoom and Normal window Depth Ranges) data in the area
of interest. Recording commences when the OK button is depressed in the "Record
SEGY Header Information" window.
7) Long and Lat and depth window "mouse over display".
Stratabox Playback New Features:
1) Playback now supports SEG-Y formats.
2) Playback slider bar.
3) Long and Lat and Depth window cursor "mouse over display".
4) .odc to SEG-Y (.seg) file converter. Select from Tools pull-down menu.
5) .odc to SEG-Y (.seg) multi-file batch converter. Select from Tools pull-down menu.
Useful for Stratabox customers who have many .odc files to convert.