Indications and Contraindications
– Emergency stabilization of sacroiliac disruptions and fractures
of the sacrum in type C pelvic injuries with associated circula-
tory instability
Absolute contraindications are:
– Fracture lines within the illium (“transiliac instabilities”;
“transiliac fracture dislocation”) as it bears the risk of pin
perforation through the fracture line
– Hemodynamic stability in A-type Pelvic fractures
Relative contraindications are:
– B-type injuries (sufficient stability provided by external fixator)
– Hemodynamic stability of the patient after B and C-type injuries
– Comminuted sacral fractures with the risk of compression of
the sacral nerve plexus
In life threatening situations hemorrhage control takes
priority over the potential risk of nerve root compression.
Pelvic C-Clamp
Technique Guide