Both nails can be placed at the same time. To do
this take off one side arm. After both nails have been seated
properly the arm can be placed over the rail again and compres-
sion can be achieved as described below.
When both nails are correctly seated, manually compress the
upper side arms (a) and ensure final fixation by tightening the
threaded tubes with the Ratchet Wrench (b).
The Kirschner Wire may now be cut off with the Wire Cutter or
may be removed.
After complete application of the Pelvic C-Clamp, verify fixation
with an image intensifier or X-ray (pelvic AP view) and pad the
The locking mechanism locks the upper buttons, thus
preventing unintended loss of compression during movement
of the Pelvic C-Clamp.
Once mounted, the Pelvic C-Clamp can be swung caudally and
cranially, e.g. for a laparotomy or an angiography.
It is recommended to place a drape cloth or lap sponges as
a cushion between the Pelvic C-Clamp and the patient.
Do not use the Pelvic C-Clamp to lift the patient.