LCP Distal Humerus Plates
Determine the length of the plates
Choose plate lengths that offer sufficient fixation proximal to
the fracture lines. To prevent extensive diaphyseal stress, the
medial and dorsolateral plates may not have the same length.
Sample: medial 5 holes, dorsolateral 7 holes.
To reach sufficient stability for early mobilization
both plates dorsolateral and medial have to be used in case of
severe fractures. Application of single plates should be limited
to simple fractures where one column is still intact.
For fractures extending into the shaft always use
both dorsolateral and medial plates to have sufficient strength,
especially when using 9 or 14 hole plates.
Prepare plates, bending
Required instruments
Bending Pliers for Plates 2.4 to 4.0, length 230 mm
Bending Iron for Plates 2.4 to 3.5, length 145 mm
LCP Drill Sleeve 2,7 (head LCP 2,4), with scale up to 60 mm
The form of the distal humerus can vary between individuals.
Bending might be required to adapt the plate form. Use
bending pliers and irons to shape the plates.
Be careful to observe the LCP locking screw direction of the
distal screws during the bending. Use drill guide to check.
If only cortex screws are used, the plates need to be
congruent with the surface of the bone and bending or
torquing may be required. Normally only minimal bending is
necessary when using LCP locking screws.