technical reference
SYNRAD OEM v30 Operator’s Manual Version 2
Interface connections
Table 4-6
Interface B (RJ45) pin descriptions
Pin Function
PWM Positive input
Use this optoisolated voltage input for tickle and PWM signals referenced to PWM Nega-
tive (Pin 6). The tickle signal is a +5 VDC, 1 µs pulse at 5 kHz while the PWM Command
signal is a +5 VDC, 5 kHz nominal (100 kHz max) pulse width modulated square wave.
DC Out output
This connection provides a +15 VDC, 250 mA maximum user output voltage referenced to
GND (Pin 8).
Laser OK output
This output is logic high (+5 V) when no faults are detected. The output is low (0 V) if a
fault occurs (RDY or PWR indicators flashing). The Laser OK output sources 20 mA typi-
cal, 40 mA maximum.
Temperature OK output
This output is logic high (+5 V) when laser temperature is within operating limits. The
output is low (0 V) when an over temperature condition is detected (RDY indicator flashing
continuously). The Temperature OK output sources 20 mA typical, 40 mA maximum.
Voltage OK output
This output is logic high (+5 V) when DC input voltage is within limits. The output is low
(0 V) if the DC input voltage is under or over voltage limits and the PWR indicator flashes
a repeating sequence of 1 blink (under voltage) or 2 blinks (overvoltage). The Voltage OK
output sources 20 mA typical, 40 mA maximum.
PWM Negative input
This input provides the negative, or return, side of the optoisolated tickle/PWM Command
signal referenced to PWM Positive (Pin 1). If this pin does not provide a PWM return, it
must be connected to GND (Pin 8). The control board will be damaged if this pin is left
Laser Enable input
When this input is logic high (+5 V), the laser is enabled (RDY indicator illuminates yel-
low). The laser is disabled when the input is low (0 V). Tickle or PWM signals are applied
to the RF circuit immediately after this input goes high.
Important Note:
When swi5 VDC to the Laser Enable input on Pin 7 through a switch or
relay contact, we highly recommend adding a 100 Ohm, 1/4 watt resister in series
between the switching device and the Laser Enable input.
This connection is the ground, or return, reference for all RJ45 inputs and outputs.