4. If you are con nect ing a ca ble, fol low the pro ce dure in
Step 2 to con nect the other end of the ca ble to the
ac ces sory.
To Re move an Ac ces sory:
1. Turn the PTC-710 off.
2. If you are re mov ing an ac ces sory that con nects di rectly
to the PTC-710, slide the ac ces sory’s lock ing latch to the
un locked (far left) po si tion (see Fig ure 9).
CAU TION! When re mov ing a ca ble from the
PTC-710, grasp the ca ble con nec tor head to re move
the ca ble. Pulling on the ca ble can break the wir ing
near the ca ble con nec tor head.
3. Pull the ca ble con nec tor or the ac ces sory straight away
from the PTC’s 25-pin con nec tor.
18 / The PTC-710