Han dling and Main taining
the PTC-710
Fol low these sug ges tions to keep your PTC in top work ing
con di tion.
Use and Stor age
Pro tect the PTC and its ac ces so ries from harsh, dirty en -
vi ron ments and from ex ces sive heat, cold, and mois ture.
Do not use the PTC for more than 10 min utes in tem per a tures
be low 32
F (0
C) or above 120
F (49
Do not store the PTC in tem per a tures be low -20
C) or above
F (71
If your PTC-710 con tains nickel-cadmium bat ter ies and
you store it in be low-freezing tem per a tures for more than
one hour, do not charge the bat ter ies un til the PTC
reaches nor mal room tem per a ture. Do not store the PTC
for more than one month with out charg ing the bat ter ies.
If your PTC con tains al ka line bat ter ies, do not store the
PTC for more than two months with out re plac ing the
bat ter ies.
Ca bles and Ac ces sories
Do not in sert any for eign ob ject into the 25-pin con nec tor
or the bar-code reader socket.
En sure that all ac ces so ries are con nected cor rectly and
those with locks are locked into place.
Do not at tempt to con nect any de vice that is not part of
your PTC-710 sys tem to the PTC-710.
12 / The PTC-710