RJ-11 Socket (Op tional)
The PTC-710’s RJ-11 socket lets you con nect the in ter nal
mo dem di rectly to a tele phone wall jack with a stan dard tele -
phone ca ble. A rub ber flap pro tects the RJ-11 socket when
the socket is not in use.
Bar-Code Reader and Holder (Op tional)
Your PTC may have an op tional bar-code reader that lets you
en ter data into the PTC by scan ning bar-code la bels. Your
PTC pro gram de ter mines the type(s) of bar-code la bels you
can scan.
If your PTC-710 was or dered with a pen cil wand bar-code
reader, the PTC will come with a holder at tached to its right
Bar-Code Reader Socket
The bar-code reader plugs into the PTC-710 through the
bar-code reader socket. If your PTC-710 was or dered with -
out a bar-code reader, there will be a plas tic cover over this
socket. Do not re move the plas tic cover ex cept to con nect a
bar-code reader to your PTC-710.
25-Pin Con nec tor
Most of the PTC-710’s ac ces so ries con nect to the PTC’s
25-pin con nec tor (the bar-code reader is an ex cep tion).
Some ac ces so ries con nect di rectly to the 25-pin con nec tor;
oth ers con nect to it with a ca ble.
Acous tic Cou pler
The PTC-710’s acous tic cou pler changes the PTC’s data into
sounds that the tele phone sys tem can trans mit to a main
com puter. You con nect the acous tic cou pler to a tele phone
re ceiver. De pending on your PTC’s pro gram, the acous tic
8 / The PTC-710