3.3.2 GNSS configuration
This page is mainly set for the satellite systems and the cutoff angle, as shown in fi gure 3-9.
Figure 3-9
3.3.3 Tracking satellites
In this page, the user can select the satellites they want to track, as shown in fi gure 3-10.
Figure 3-10
3.3 Configuration
3.3.1 Reference Station
This page mainly sets the reference station, antenna, and reference station parameters, as shown in
fi gure 3-8.
Figure 3-8
Reference station coordinates
: If you do not need a known coordinate to start reference station,
then click the “Load Current Position” as a reference station coordinate. However, if you need a
known coordinate to start reference station, please input the known point coordinates in accordance
with the appropriate format. The web access port is 80. After setting mapping in the router device,
then you can access the NET20 PLUS by Internet.