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Version 2.6
6.1.8 Modification of the period
The period is not automatically increased at the end of a game in order to have the possibility to modify
the score or any other setting before starting the next period. To go to the next period or to modify its
to increase the period by 1.
Press the key
to reduce the period by 1.
See also chapter 6.1.10 End of period
6.1.9 Modification of game time during a game
When the game time has stopped, the key function
becomes active. Now you can modify the current
period and introduce a new time. This function does not allow you to change the chosen settings for the
period. Regarding to the sport, some of the following functions are not available:
When you press the key
, the correction menu appears for the game time.
Choose the key
[Minutes], to modify the minutes:
Introduce the new values and validate with the key
to quit without saving.
Press the key
[Seconds], to modify the seconds:
Introduce the new values and validate with the key
, to quit without validating.
Choose the key
[1/10] to modify the tenth of a second:
Introduce the new values and validate with the key
to quit without saving the new value.
Press the key
[Sec. 30] to modify the possession time:
Introduce the new values and validate with the key
to quit without saving the new value.
Press the key
[HOME] to modify the expulsion time for the local team.
Press the key
[VISITORS] to modify the expulsion time for the visitors team.
Press the key
[Pause] to introduce a pause at any time of the match (see 6.1.11 Pause for more
To go back to the menu [Play]:
Press the key
, to save modifications.
Press the key
, to quit without validating and saving.
If the game time has been modified, a question
Apply the difference to all the timers ?
will ask if all the expulsions must be modified accordingly.
By pressing YES, all expulsion times and game time will be modified.
By pressing NO, the game time will be modified.