This product from SWAROVSKI OPTIK is a high-quality instrument.
We grant, from the date of purchase for a period of 10 years
(5-year manufacturer’s wa 5 years goodwill) the following
warranty and goodwill services according to the conditions stated
If defects in the materials and/or the workmanship occur, we will
take over the material costs and the labor costs for the entire period
of the manufacturer’s warranty referred to above. We reserve the
right in such instances to repair or replace the instrument or the defec-
tive part at our discretion.
At the end of the above-mentioned manufacturer’s warranty, as
part of our service promise, we currently cover the costs for materials
and labor for repairs for a further 5 years on a goodwill basis. There
is no legal entitlement to goodwill repairs.
This warranty does not restrict the manufacturer’s statutory
guarantee obligations.
If our product range changes, we reserve the right to repair faulty
instruments or to replace them with equivalent products.
This warranty is void if repairs are carried out by a service work-
shop not authorized by SWAROVSKI OPTIK or if damage is caused
by improper use. The warranty does not cover direct or indirect
damage caused by defects in the instrument. The warranty also does
not cover any components which are subject to natural wear, inclu-
ding eyecups, carrying straps, cases, armoring, etc.
The warranty is only valid if a warranty/service document
correctly dated, signed, and stamped by the authorized dealer or
an invoice for the purchase of the instrument can be presented. Instru-
ments without this warranty/service document or proof of purchase
will be repaired at the customer’s expense.
If you want to make a warranty claim or have your instrument
serviced and/or repaired, please take the instrument and this war-
ranty/service document or proof of purchase to your authorized
SWAROVSKI OPTIK dealer or send them directly to us. In the case
of free repairs, the return shipment of the instrument is free of charge
using an insured shipment method of our choice. In other cases, you
will be charged for shipment. If instruments are shipped abroad, any
foreign customs duties or taxes must be paid by the recipient.
This warranty is granted by Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG.,
Absam, Austria. The place of jurisdiction is Innsbruck; Austrian law
If other warranties/guarantees (either statutory or voluntary) are
agreed in other countries, they must be fulfilled by the importer or
authorized dealer. Swarovski-Optik AG & Co KG., Absam, Austria,
can only accept liability when it is under a legal obligation to do so.
Remarks for the United States of America:
For warranty services all products purchased in the United States,
our only warranty authorized service is through Swarovski Optik
North America Ltd.. For further information please call 1-800-426-