For applications that require a steady on/off switching, the user can select the static function (one button switches on and a second
button switches off)
Independently of the selected function, the relay can be controlled also by a wired connection, e.g. via an external push-button (not
included in delivery). The SHR-12 K1 is able to confirm a received control signal to the corresponding transmitter. The user may
recognize the confirmation by the blinking red LED of the transmitter.
For the location of the receiver module, select a place which is not shielded by conducting objects and position the antenna in such a
way that it is not subject to interference from the rest of the circuit and is parallel to the transmitter antenna.
Open the housing by turning the 4 screws in the bottom left hand side. Because the circuit board is open, make sure that no static
discharges occur and that the components will not be damaged! Open cable entries using a suitable piercing tool. To avoid damage to
electronics, only entries on the screw-terminal side should be used. Connect all connection cables for the power supply at the
corresponding screw terminals. Please note that the voltage applied at screw-terminals 1 and 2 can be only between 12 and 24 V. You
can apply DC or AC voltages, which means, you can ignore the polarity in case of DC voltage.
The maximum cross section of wires to be used is limited to 1.5 mm² The connection wires are to be stripped to a maximum
of 4 mm (to avoid accidental contact).
Connect the wires to devices into screw-terminals for change-over-contacts NC/CC/NO as shown in the attached figure. All wiring
should be installed neatly and rectilinearly. Powered wiring must not be mounted over the electronic board. Care must be taken that
wiring is not squeezed or damaged.
Take care of the technical data and of the supply polarity. Maximum supply voltage is 24V DC. Greater supply voltage
destroys the receiver.
Frequency Selection
All devices of the series SH-12 are delivered with the working frequency 433.62MHz. If distortions at this frequency occur you may
change over to the second frequency available (434.22MHz) by selecting the position f2 as shown in the attached figure.
Programming transmitters or keys:
In order to learn a transmitter or a key it is necessary to switch from the normal receive mode to a learn mode by specific pressing of
the LEARN/ERASE button. After that a transmitter button has to be pressed in a distance of no less than 1m. Following learn modes
are available:
Learn mode I:
Learn a transmitter with acknowledgement of the transmitter signal. Press 1x short the LEARN/ERASE button. The
light of the LED beside the button interrupts 1x every 2s.
Learn mode II:
Learn a single key with acknowledgement of the transmitter signal. Press 2x short the LEARN/ERASE button. The
light of the LED beside the button interrupts 2x every 2s.
Learn mode III:
Learn a transmitter without acknowledgement of the transmitter signal. Press 3x short the LEARN/ERASE button.
The light of the LED beside the button interrupts 3x every 2s. This feature is only compatible to transmitters
from Version HSV xx.20.
Learn mode IV:
Learn a single key without acknowledgement of the transmitter signal. Press 4x short the LEARN/ERASE button. The
light of the LED beside the button interrupts 4x every 2s. This feature is only compatible to transmitters from Version
HSV xx.20.
Each learn mode returns to normal receiving mode if a valid signal has been received, or if the LEARN/ERASE button is pressed again,
or if the learn- and erase mode is already active more than 30s.
The receiver module may learn up to 60 different transmitter codes. A successful learn process will be signalized by a flash of the LED
besides the LEARN/ERASE button. Possible causes for failed learn processes are a full list of learned transmitters or the list contains
already the transmitter. Check for error free operation of the receiver by pressing the transmitter buttons desired.
Delete transmitters or keys:
In order to erase a transmitter or a key it is necessary to switch from the normal receive mode to an erase mode by specific pressing of
the LEARN/ERASE button. Keep the LEARN/ERASE button pressed down for at least 3s. The LED beside the button begins to flash.
Pressing afterwards a transmitter button in a distance of no less than 1m causes the erasure of all list entries corresponding to this
transmitter. Instead of pressing a transmitter button you can press down the LEARN/ERASE button for at least 3s again to clear the
whole list of learned transmitters. Check for error free operation of the receiver by pressing the transmitter buttons desired.
If you are sure that all functions are properly working you may start wiring of the relay contacts. If the relay voltage exceeds 40V,
ensure that the receiver is free of voltage before perform starting wiring.
Contribution of transmitter buttons
Select the desired function of your receiver using „ON/OFF“ jumpers. The jumper in the uppermost position “ON” effects that the relay
can be switched on with the transmitter key 1, 2, 3 or 4. The jumper in the lower position “OFF” effects that the relay can be switched
off with the transmitter key 1, 2, 3 or 4. If no jumper is used, the relay will ignore the corresponding transmitter key.