O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
Play Along Songs
There are 58 songs built into this Suzuki Piano for your musical enjoyment. These songs have
separate left and right-hand parts that can be turned on and off as required so you can practice the
corresponding part on the keyboard.
Selecting A Song
Press the SONG button. The song indicator will turn on and the song number
will appear on the LED display. Both Right and Left indicator are OFF. Use the
–/NO +/YES buttons to select a song.
If you want to play slower or faster than the preset tempo, press the TEMPO
button and use the –/NO +/YES buttons to set the tempo based on the original
tempo of the song. The range is 50% to 150%. Press the
–/NO +/YESbuttons simultaneously to recall the default rate for the selected song.
After 5 second, the display will return to the song number.
Listening To The Entire Song
1. Press the PLAY/STOP button to hear both hand parts playing the entire song.
2. Press the PLAY/STOP button again to stop. Otherwise, playback will stop
automatically at the end of the song.
Practicing The Right Hand Of The Selected Song
1. Press the RIGHT button to mute the right hand part. The right indicator lights up,
2. Press the DEMO button if you want to hear the only the right-hand part before
practicing it. Press the DEMO button again to stop.
3. Press the PLAY/STOP button. Its indicator lights up and you will hear the
metronome “count in” the song. You will then hear the left-hand part.
The default status of the metronome is ON. Press the METRONOME button if you
want to disable the metronome sound in the right / Left hand mode. But, in the both
hands mode, it cannot be turned off.
4. Play the right-hand part of your selected song while the left-hand part plays.
5. Press the PLAY/STOP button again to stop. Otherwise, playback will stop
automatically at the end of the song.
Practicing The Left Hand Of The Selected Song
Follow steps 1-5 listed above, substituting the LEFT button whenever RIGHT button
is mentioned.
You will hear the right-hand part of your selected song. Play the left-hand part of
your selected song while the right-hand part plays.