Third, if thinking about the difference measurement function and how this is affected by the example situation,
the Wristop Computer will show you the absolute difference between 5,000 ft and 8,000 ft (beginning and
end). The fact that you’ve been down to 3,000 ft in-between does not have an impact on the absolute vertical
altitude difference between starting point and finish.
Last, the automatic 24-hour memory will show this information in the following way: Say you are starting out
at 5,000 ft at noon, and then it takes you 2 hours to descend to 3,000 ft, and another five hours to reach 8,000
ft. The scrollable displays in the 24-hour memory shows you the altitude 5,000 ft at 12:00 am, e.g.4,000 ft at 1
p.m., 3,000 ft at 2 p.m., e.g. 4,000 ft 3 p.m., 5,000 ft at 4 p.m., 6,000 ft at 5 p.m., 7,000 ft at 6 p.m. and then 8,000
ft at 7 p.m.
These are the different cases in which the example situation will affect the readings of the Wristop Computer.
Most important to remember is to ALWAYS set the known reference altitude into the Wristop Computer. This is
the only way to get accurate altitude readings.
6.3.7 Why does the vertical ascent/descent measurement show
different readings even though I am inside and staying in the
same room?
The resolution of the vertical ascent/descent rate is 1 m/1 ft whereas the resolution of the altitude display is 5
m/10 ft, which means that the ascent/descent rate can show movement even though you remain at the same
altitude. This is caused by changes in pressure or even vertical movement within the 5 m/10 ft resolution range.
Indoors, even small, unnoticeable air currents cause changes in air pressure. For example, if you have a
window open at the other end of your house, the air current may affect a room at the other end of the building
so little that you do not notice it, but the sensors of the Wristop Computer do. Because the Wristop Computer
measures ascent and descent based on changes in air pressure, it interprets these changes as vertical movement.
6.4.1 What is the little box on the top left of the display?
It is the barometric trend indicator that shows the general direction of weather changes. The display is based
on barometer measurements for the last 6 hours.