a. Plan the installation
Pull car into garage with boat on car rack.
Measure length of boat. Position Hoister so garage door
can open with boat lowered.
Diagram 1.
Position boat above car with clearance to open
garage door. If Hoister is mounted too close to garage
door, there may not be clearance to open door. Mounted
too far forward, boat may not balance or lower onto car.
steP 1: deteRmine hoisteR location
Garage Door
Garage Door
Garage Door
Garage Door
optioN 1.
Above Garage Door: Clearance to lift and store
boat above open garage door.
optioN 2.
Below Garage Door: Use if not enough clearance
for Above Garage Door Storage (Option 1). Boat has
clearance to lift and store below open garage door.
Measure height of boat. Make sure boat can be stored
above or below the open garage door.