Telephone Terminals
From an RJ31-X plug, make the following connections:
Conductor from RJ31-X Plug
RED .............................................. LINKS RING terminal
GRN ................................................ LINKS TIP terminal
GRY .......................................... control panel R-1 terminal
BRN .......................................... control panel T-1 terminal
Also, connect the following jumpers between the LINKS and control panel:
Control Panel
TIP ............................................................. T-1
RING ........................................................... R-1
LINKS RING Terminal Allows Panel to be Downloaded via LINKS
Whenever the LINKS phone number is called, the RING terminal will activate. This feature may be used to make
the control panel answer an incoming call via the cellular telephone network.
PC5010, PC4010, PC4020, PC4010CF, PC4020CF
Connect the LINKS RING terminal to an available zone terminal on the control panel. Refer to the “Programming”
section of this manual for information on programming the zone for the “LINKS Answer” option.
Bat TBL Terminal
When jumper J1 is shorted, this terminal will be disabled, and the battery trouble will be reported to the control
panel through the LINKS SYS TBL terminal.
When jumper J1 is removed, this terminal will provide the output for the LINKS1000 battery trouble indication
to the control panel. The terminal will switch to ground after the time-out delay for the battery trouble has
expired, and remain at ground until the battery is restored. A missing battery will also cause the same
conditions. Connect to a separate control panel zone that is programmed as LINKS Supervisory. A single end-
of-line resistor MUST be used on this zone. (See hookup diagram for correct resistor value.)
AC TBL Terminal
When jumper J1 is shorted, this terminal will be disabled, and the AC trouble will be reported to the control
panel through the LINKS SYS TBL terminal.
When jumper J1 is removed, this terminal will provide the output for the LINKS1000 AC trouble indication to the control
panel. The terminal will switch to ground after the time-out delay for the AC trouble has expired, and remain at ground
until the AC is restored. Connect to a separate control panel zone that is programmed as LINKS Supervisory. A single
end-of-line resistor MUST be used on this zone. (See hookup diagram for correct resistor value.)
Battery Connections
Do not connect the battery or the transformer until all other wiring is complete. Connect the RED battery lead to the
positive battery terminal and the BLACK lead to the negative battery terminal. If the battery connection is made in
reverse, the solid state battery fuse will open. If the fuse opens, disconnect the battery and wait for approximately
40 seconds for the fuse to reset. Note that the unit will not power up on battery power only; AC power must first be
present (with J2 open). When J2 is shorted, only the DC source connected to the battery leads should be present.
Jumper J1
Jumper J1 is used for the LINKS1000 trouble outputs. When J1 is shorted, all of the LINKS1000 troubles will
activate the SYS Tbl output after their respective delays have expired. When J1 is open, the LINKS1000 AC
Tbl and Bat Tbl terminals are used to indicate their respective troubles instead of the SYS Tbl terminal. All other
LINKS1000 troubles will activate the LINKS SYS Tbl terminal.
For UL Listed Systems the jumper J1 is defaulted to the OFF position.
Jumper J2
Jumper J2 is used to allow the LINKS1000 to be powered only by a DC source. Jumper J2 must remain shorted
for the entire time the LINKS1000 is powered by the DC source. When all wiring is complete, place the jumper
on J2 and then connect the DC source (observing correct polarity) to the battery leads of the LINKS1000.