UPER P3TDDR User's Manual
ACPI Function
This item allows you to Enable and Disable the Advanced Configuration and
Power Management. The settings are "Enabled" and "Disabled".
ACPI Suspend Type
This item allows the user to determine the ACPI Suspend type. The settings
are "S1 (POS)" and "S3 (STR)".
Power Management Option
This option sets the degree of power saving for the system, especially for
HDD Power Down, Doze Mode and Suspend Mode. The settings are "User
Define", "Min Saving" and "Max Saving".
Suspend Mode
This item sets the system Suspend Mode. The settings are "Disabled", "1
Min", "2 Min", "4 Min", "6 Min", "8 Min", "10 Min" and "20 Min".
Wake-Up by PME
I f " E n a b l e d " , t h e u s e r i s a b l e t o " w a k e u p " t h e s y s t e m b y a P o w e r
Management Event. The settings are "Enabled" and "Disabled".
Wake-Up by WOL/WOM/RI
If "Enabled", the user is able to "wake up" the system by the use of Wake-
on-LAN (WOL), Wake-on-Modem (WOM) or Ring-In (RI). The settings are
"Enabled" and "Disabled".
HDD Power Down
If "Enabled", this option will allow the AwardBIOS to power-down the hard
disk drive(s). The settings are "Disabled", "1 min", "2 min", "3 min", "4 min",
"5 min", "6 min" and "7 min".