Chapter 4: BIOS
Serial 2 Address
This option specifi es the base I/O port address and Interrupt Request address
of serial port 2. Select
"Disabled" to prevent the serial port from accessing any
system resources. When this option is set to "Disabled", the serial port physically
becomes unavailable. Select "2F8/IRQ3" to allow the serial port to use 2F8 as its
I/O port address and IRQ 3 for the interrupt address. Options include Disabled,
, 3E8/IRQ4 and 2F8/IRQ3.
Serial Port 2 Attribute
This option allows you to set COM2 as a normal serial port or as virtual COM
for SOL. Options are
or COM.
Remote Access Confi guration
Remote Access
Use this option to
or Disable Remote Access in your system. If enabled,
the settings below will appear.
Serial Port Number
Use this setting to select the serial port for console redirection. Options include
. The displayed base address and IRQ for the serial port changes
to refl ect the selection you make.
Make sure the selected port is enabled.
Serial Port Mode
Selects the serial port settings to use. Options are
(115200 8, n, 1)
, (57600 8,
n, 1), (38400 8, n, 1), (19200 8, n, 1) and (09600 8, n, 1).
Flow Control
Selects the fl ow control to be used for console redirection. Options are
Hardware and Software.
Redirection After BIOS POST
Options are Disable (no redirection after BIOS POST), Boot Loader (redirection
during POST and during boot loader) and
(redirection always active).
Note that some OS's may not work with this set to Always.
Terminal Type
Selects the type of the target terminal. Options are
, VT100 and VT-UTF8.