Chapter 4: BIOS
Authorized Timestamps
Use this setting to enroll factory defaults or load certificates from a file.
OsRecovery Signatures
Use this setting to enroll factory defaults or load certificates from a file.
4.9 Boot Setup
Figure 4-6. Boot Setup Screen
Boot Mode Select
This setting allows you to select the boot mode to use. Options include Legacy, UEFI or Dual.
Boot Priority Options 1 ~ 17
This feature allows you to specify the sequence of priority for the boot device (such as hard
disk drives, USB devices, CD-ROM drives, Network drives and so on). The menu options
are for 1st Boot Device, 2nd Boot Device and 3rd Boot device. Each numbered boot device
can be set to a specific device installed in your system or to Disabled.
A device enclosed in parenthesis has been disabled in the corresponding type menu.