Other Applications
Use your imagination
. The AccuTrak is probably one of the most versatile test
instruments you can own. Keep in mind that ultrasonic sound is generally
produced by
rcing, and
urbulence (F A T). Therefore any pressurized
gas, moving machine, or electrical system can be tested.
Electrical Arcing
A jump in electrical current or Arc, will make a popping, frying, or buzzing noise
in the ultrasonic range. The AccuTrak can be used to locate electrical failures
which are causing a decline in power quality. Use to test circuit breakers, buss
bars, relays, corrosion in contacts, or poor insulation.
Be careful, and use common sense around electrical currents. Keep in mind the nose of
the AccuTrak is metal, use the plastic waveguide, and keep at a safe distance!
You may be familiar with the sound of a loose fan belt in a car. Early warning of
such wear is indicated by a similar sound in the ultrasonic range.
Leaking ducts can be a significant source of energy loss. The AccuTrak can be
used to identify the sound of air leaking from a pressurized duct system.
Large hydraulic leaks are obviously easy to see, but small ones can often be
difficult. The AccuTrak will allow you to hear these leaks with ease! Internal
leaks in hydraulic cylinders can be detected using the touchprobe. When
testing for external hydraulic leaks use the yellow waveguide to protect any fluid
from entering the sensor.
Sound Generator
The ultrasonic sound generator is used to detect leaks in enclosures which are
not under pressure.
This item can be placed inside a vessel such as tank or walk-in freezer
compartment. The sound generator emits a powerful 115dB ultrasonic tone
which will follow the empty passage a gas or liquid would travel to produce a
leak. The tone can then be identified at the point of exit by using the AccuTrak