900004-00, 03/2018
Innovative Hearth Products
DRT2000 and DRC2000 Direct-Vent Fireplaces
Rough in the Electrical Supply, if Needed
1. As necessary, rough in the fireplace electrical supply per NEC and local codes.
Install the [Optional] Blower Kit before Installation in the Framing
1. Remove the left side blower cover panel screw, and blower cover panel (Table 13). Retain the panel and screw
for later reinstallation.
2. Slide the blower through the opening and position it with the bracket oriented to the front of the firebox and the
blower discharge to the rear of the firebox. Bend the two tabs in the firebox floor to secure the blower to the
3. Reinstall the blower cover panel and secure with the removed screw.
4. Access the blower supply wiring through the front of the firebox and plug it into the junction box in the right,
rear of the firebox (Figure 33).
5. Install the blower control switch according to its included instructions.
Place the Fireplace in the Framing and Secure
NOTE: Nailing flanges, combustible members, and screw heads in areas directly adjacent to the nailing flanges are
EXEMPT from the 1/2” clearance to combustible requirements for the firebox outer wrapper.
NOTE: Combustible framing may be in direct contact with the nailing flanges and may be located within 1/2” of
screw heads and the firebox wrapper in areas adjacent to the nailing flanges.
Frame the opening to the exact dimensions specified in the framing details in this manual.
1. Bend out the appropriate nailing flanges for the drywall / finish material to be used (Figure 11). Nailing flanges
are provided for:
• flush framing,
• 1/2”, and
• 5/8” framing depths.
2. Secure the fireplace to the side framing members using the unit’s nailing flanges —one top and bottom on each
side of the fireplace front (Figure 11). Use 8d nails or the equivalent.
Figure 11 - Nailing Flanges
Unit nailing flange
(no clearance to combustible
framing is required)