Running a Test
Automated tests are executed from the operator console touch screen
or computer keyboard and mouse. The steps below show how to run
an Accel Test using the operator console. The following steps assume
the Accel Test has been select, WinDyn Software is properly setup,
Engine is properly connected to dyno, warmed up and running.
1. Press the
button to begin.
2. Follow the on screen prompt and increase throttle setting and
stabilize speed at 3,000 RPM.
3. Once stabilized, begin test by pressing the (
) button on the
operator console and accelerate speed to upper limit.
4. Once test has been completed, return throttle to idle.
5. At the conclusion of the test, data will be saved.
Figure 5.16: NetDyn Loading
Figure 5.17: Start Accel
Figure 5.19: Return to Idle
Figure 5.20: Data Saved
Figure 5.18: Ramping
5.0 Operation