5.7 Running an Automated Test
Follow this procedure for running each test. Repeatable and accurate test results are obtained by
consistent test methods. Quick reference instructions are provided with this manual as a stand alone
document that can be placed near the console for easy viewing.
Infrastructure and Engine Setup
1. Verify the engine installation and all connections to the engine.
2. Ensure:
• That the connection between engine and dynamometer is aligned and secure and that all guards
are properly installed.
• No tools are left on the engine or dynamometer.
3. Verify:
• Oil and water levels in the engine and heat
• Fuel connections.
• Electrical connections to the engine.
• Battery hook-ups and battery charge condition.
• Throttle connections and adjust throttle end stops, insure you have idle and WOT.
• Sensors are connected as required for the test.
4. Ensure no sensor cables, electrical wires, or pressure lines interfere with the engine exhaust system or
other hot or rotating parts.
5. Verify that dyno water supply valves are in the correct position.
Secure all objects that might move due to air flow in the test cell.
7. Verify:
• The fuel supply is adequate for the test.
• The power is on at the console, sensor box, computer, printer, and any additional control
8. Open ventilation air shutters in the test cell.
9. Open fuel supply valves.
10. Turn ON water pumps and ventilation fans.
DO NOT use the Magneto Kill Ground connection
on the Sensor Boxes Engine Control Panel.
ALWAYS turn ON water pumps and ventilation fans
BEFORE starting engine. Damage to the absorber
seals may occur if the engine is run without water
supplied to the absorber.
5.0 Operation