eFlo 2.0 Electronic Flow Meter Operations Manual
Super Systems Inc.
Page 12 of 39
Modbus Register
Reset Totalizer Values to Zero
Not Used
Totalizer Units (0 to 9999)
Totalizer in 10,000s (0 to 9999 -> 0 to 99,990,000)
Totalizer in 10,000,000s (0 to 9999 -> 0 to 999,900,000,000)
Table 4 - Modbus Registers and Descriptions
See Appendix 3 for recommended startup procedures involving Zero Tare, Max Tare, and
Altitude Adjustment. Following these procedures will provide optimal accuracy and control.
Keypad Operating Procedure
The eFlo system is equipped with a pressure and flow rate alarm (high and low), flow rate
totalizer, and integrated valve control. The unit can be operated in either manual or automatic
mode for flow rate control. This section of the manual provides an explanation of the basic
menu navigation through the keypad as well as how the unit is operates including: valve control
modes, flow limit control, flow alarming, flow totalizing, and programming of the unit.
For best long term results, it is recommended that pressure be maintained on the flow meter
at all times. Pressure can be maintained when the shut off solenoid/valve is downstream
from the outlet of the meter. This will ensure long term calibration and accuracy.
The figure on the following page shows the layout of the flow control panel on the Keypad eFlo
2.0 unit. An explanation of the panel’s components is provided as well.The panel layout will be
referenced further in this section.