10.6. Hysteresis of the boiler
This option can be used to set the hysteresis of the set temperature. It is the
difference between the temperature of start of the suspension mode and the
temperature of restarting the operation mode (e.g. when value of the set
temperature is 60°C and hysteresis is 2°C, the start of the suspension mode will take
place at 60°C, whereas the restart of the operation mode will take place at 58°C.
Hysteresis can be set in the range between 2°C and 6°C.
10.7. WUW – domestic hot water - Hysteresis
This option can be used to set the value of the hysteresis of the boiler set
temperature. It is the difference between the set temperature (that is the boiler
required temperature) and the actual boiler temperature (e.g. if the set temperature
has the value of 55°C, and the hysteresis is 5°C. After the set temperature (55°C) is
reached the WUW pump will switch off and the CH pump will switch on. The WUW
pump will restart if the temperature decreases to 50°C.
10.8. Fans speed
This function allows to choose the operational speed of the fans. Range of
regulations is between 1 and 10 (one can assume those are the gears of the fans).
The higher the gear the faster the operation of the fans, whereas gear 1 is the
minimum speed and gear 10 is the maximum speed. Change of gears is being done
by the means of PLUS and MINUS buttons.
The fans always start up with maximum speed which allows it to start operation even
with some amount of dust present in the fans.