Shenzhen SUNSKY Technology Limited
IMEI: Identity marking yards
MOD: Point to Point (SMS P2P 2) / SMS platform (SMS SC) / GPRS
GPS: normally open (ON) / normally closed (OFF) / power (AUTO)
HFR: hands-free Switch
MTPRF: listen (SILENT) / Normal (NORMAL)
BS: Returns information on the number of base stations,
GEO-FENCE = ON / OFF longitude values of the direction of longitude, latitude values of the
direction of latitude (R radius value (minimum 0.1KM)
DEFENCE: ON / OFF power switch alarm
VOICE: ON / OFF switch calling
POWER: ON / OFF power switch off oil
ST: request location information from time to time interval
TN: SMS mode, from time to time request number
GU:, GPRS user name, password,
SRV: Server IP address, port number,
APN:,, GPRS access point, APN user name, APN user password
SAMP: From sampling interval, a Number of upload (uploading from time to time to go car
track mode)
SAMP2: (stopping from time to time upload throttling mode)
HISTORY SAMP: History From sampling interval
5. Read all current numbers and passwords password
SMS command format
: * GTAN #
: When the module, after receiving instructions to return the module in the deposit
of all numbers and passwords, including service center number and password, your user name
and password.