Shenzhen SUNSKY Technology Limited
E – East Longitude; W – West longitude; N - north latitude; S - South latitude. In
this case, using E, N, please select the appropriate location according to the actual
coordinates of the format settings. The meaning of the various parts of the example is as
Exxxxx.xxxx is degress longitude information (decimal point behind the four, followed by zero
can not be omitted)
Nyyyy.yyyy is degrees latitude information (decimal point behind the four, followed by zero can
not be omitted)
zzz.z is the radius of the domain as a
999.9 - 000.1
, units KM.
When the module receives the instruction and confirm the user password is correct, it will send
short message to confirm: SET GEO-FENCE OK.
For example: through a single location (666 + user's password), the latitude and longitude,
such as: Lat: +22.50500
Long: +114.01000
The format: Lat: + dd.ddddd Long: + ddd.ddddd , the instruction must converted to format 1t 1
(Lat: + ddmm.mmmm Long: + dddmm.mmmm) before being used. Where d is the degree and
m is points.
Format 2
: 004 + user pa E /wddd.ddddd N/sdd.ddddd Rzzz.z
0040000E114.10004 N22.55705 R999.9
– east longitude; W – West longitude; N - north latitude; S - South latitude. In this
case, using E, N, please select the appropriate location according to the actual coordinates of
the format settings. The meaning of the various parts of the example is as follows:
Exxx.xxxxx is degrees longitude information (decimal point behind the four, followed by zero
can not be omitted)
Nyy.yyyyy is degrees latitude information (decimal point behind the four, followed by zero can
not be omitted)
zzz.z is the radius of the domain as a
999.9 - 000.1
, units KM.