Do not connect the cable directly to the battery
terminal/clip for charging.
Do not remove the fuse from the battery
harness. If the fuse is damaged, please contact your
supplier for replacement.
Do not operate the wheelchair with dead
battery. You might get trapped.
Please slow down when turning, don't make
sharp turns, keep the center of gravity stable when turning.
To prevent rollover, do not move the center of gravity in the
opposite direction when turning.
Drive straight up the slope when climbing. Both
front wheels should land at the same time.To reduce the
possibility of overturning, do not make an angle with the
slope;do not make the wheel on one side or the side of the
wheelchair to go up the slope first. Be particularly careful
when climbing any slopes.
Do not drive on potentially dangerous roads or
slopes, including but not limited to roads covered with snow,
ice, cut grass, or wet leaves.
Please drive down a slope at the minimum
speed. If the descent speed is faster than expected, release
the joystick lever to stop the wheelchair, and then press the
lever lightly to control the descent speed.
Do not place the wheelchair in the front seat of
vehicle during transportation.Otherwise, it may move and
disturb the driver.
Please contact your service provider if any
accessories of seat unit become loose; Please replace the
worn or damaged parts immediately.
The recommended maximum climbing angle
(see parameter table) was tested in a controlled environment.
The climbing ability of your wheelchair is affected by factors
such as your weight, the speed of your wheelchair, and the
angle at which you approach the slope.
Reversing is only possible on flat roads. When
reversing, please operate smoothly at low speed. Please
stop frequently and check to make sure there are no
obstacles on the road. To prevent rollover, do not tilt down
or backward along the slope.
When sitting in a wheelchair, avoid any position
or movement that can change your center of gravity. This
may cause the wheelchair to tilt.
Do not put all the weight on one side of the
wheelchair armrest, such use may cause the wheelchair to tilt.
Do not put your hands above the seat or tilt
your body. This may damage the backrest and cause you to
fall down.
Even if your wheelchair can cross high obstacles,
we recommend that you do not try to cross the specified
height. Such operations may cause the wheelchair to be
unstable,even rollover and cause severe personal injury.
If you have any concerns about safely crossing obstacles,
please ask for help. Please pay attention to your operating
skills and personal restrictions. You may need to remove or
cover the sills and install ramps at exits and entrances.