Programmable DC Power Supply User’s Guide
For example: *sav 3 means to save each channel’s setting value to group 3.
Command format
*RCL {1|2|3|4|5}
Function description: to recall the data stored in group 1 to 5.
For example: *RCL2 means to recall the data stored in group 2 and make it as each
channel’s setting value.
Command format
MEASure:ALL[ {CH1|CH2}]?
Function description: to inquire voltage, current, power and status of all channels or each
single channel.
For example: MEAS:ALL?
Return information: 0.00,0.000,0.00,0x00;0.00,0.003,0.00,0x00;1.8 (CH1 voltage, CH1
current, CH1 power, CH1 state value
bit2:cv bit1:cc bit0:ov(overvoltage); CH2 voltage,
CH2 current, CH2 power, CH2 state value; CH3 setting voltage)
For example: MEAS:ALL CH1? (inquire CH1’s voltage, current, power value)
Return information: 0.000,0.000, 0.00 (CH1 voltage, current and power are 0V, 0.000A
and 0W respectively)
Command format
MEASure:VOLTage {CH1|CH2|CH3}?
Function description: to query voltage value tested in the specified channel’s output