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#7040743 - Revision A - September, 2016
Electronic Control System
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
Built-In Wine Storage (BW) Series
The following pages illustrate unique input operations performed at the control panel, namely: Temperature Units
Selection Mode, Sabbath Mode and Showroom Mode.
Temperature Units Selection Mode
The electronic control is initially set to display temperature in Fahrenheit (°F) units of measure. Units of measure
can be converted from °C to °F, and/or back again. This operation is called Temperature Units Selection.
Temperature Units Selection must be performed within the first minute after switching the unit ON.
To convert temperature units of measure from Fahrenheit (°F) to Celsius (°C) readings, press and hold the ALARM
key and the POWER key simultaneously for five seconds, then release the keys, this will display the the current unit
of measure in the right display window (See Figure 2-9). Press and hold the ALARM key and the POWER key
simultaneously for a short period of time, and that will toggle the units of measure (See Figure 2-10).
To switch from Celsius back to Fahrenheit units of measure, press and hold the ALARM key and the POWER key
simultaneously for a short period of time.
Do not press and hold the POWER key first, that simply switches the unit OFF.
Temperature Units Selection Mode will end three seconds after the last key stroke.
Figure 2-9. Initiating Temperature Units Selection Mode -
Press and Hold ALARM and POWER Keys for Five Seconds
Figure 2-10. Temperature Units Selection Mode Initiated, Celsius Units (°C) Displayed