b) Jumper setting
The jumpers TU2 and TD2 of the first and the last units C1010-boards have to be closed.
The jumpers TU2 and TD2 of the unit between first and last units C1010-boards have to
be OPEN.
Jumper TL2 of all C1010-boards must be open.
First and last unit:
Units between first and last:
c) Configuration
Proceed according to description for two units.
Configure M05=1 or 2 for all units
Configure M01= 1 for first unit, 2 for 2nd unit, 3 for 3rd unit, 4 for 4th unit, 5 for 5th
Configure M02=3 or 4 or 5, if you have 3 or 4 or 5 units in sequencing.
Configure M03= 2, 3 or 4 if you have 3, 4 or 5 units in sequencing. Then there is
always ONE unit in standby, which will operate only, if one of the other units stops in
3) Rotation time
To change the rotation time from default 24 hours, please change M04 accordingly equal on
all units.