© STULZ GmbH – all rights reserved EN/09.2019/G42
cybercool 2 scroll original insTrUcTions
Alarm message
Cause for alarm
High pressure #
High pressure switch has
1. condenser fan defective.
Check function.
2. condenser coil soiled.
Clean condenser.
3. overcharge of refrigerant circuit
Discharge and dispose of refrigerant.
4. electric connection of high pres
sure switch loose. Cable defective.
Check connection and cable.
Press red release button at HP
switch after elimination of error.
Low pressure #
Low pressure switch has
1. Insufficient refrigerant charge.
Leak in refrigerant circuit.
Repair the leak. Refill refrigerant.
2. Electric connection of low pres
sure switch loose. Cable defective.
Check connection and cable.
3. Expansion valve defective.
Exchange expansion valve.
Power switch comp.
Compressor power interruptor
has triggered.
1. Current too high.
Shortcircuit in the cable.
Compressor motor defective.
Check compressor motor on voltage
continuity and current consumption.
Check cable.
2. Feeding voltage too low.
Check alimentation under load.
Compressor #
The soft start module (option)
or the protection device has
detected an error.
Find the exact cause of error.
Sensor # failure
The tolerance to the average
value adjustable in the control
ler has been exceeded.
1. Big difference of measured val
ues in selected zone.
Check measured value with an external
measuring instrument.
2. Sensor defective.
Replace defective sensor.
Sensor # broken
The measured voltage/current
is outside the range defined in
the controller.
1. Electrical connection defective.
Check connections.
2. Sensor cable defective.
Check cable on continuity.
3. Sensor defective.
Check measured value with external
thermo meter, pressure gauge. Replace
defective sensor.
EEV #: Pressure
sensor error
The control module of the
expansion valve has detected
a malfunction of the pressure
1. Cable breakage or faulty contact Check cable and contacts.
2. Pressure sensor defective.
Replace pressure sensor.
EEV #: Temperature
sensor error
The control module has detect
ed a malfunction of the temper-
ature sensor.
1. Cable breakage or faulty contact Check cable and contacts.
2. Temperature sensor defective.
Replace temperature sensor.
# stands for a number in case of several components of the same kind.
8. Malfunction