Engine Lubrication
Change Oil Frequently
The engine oil should be completely changed after the first 500 miles
the car is driven. The second oil change should be made at the end of
1,000 miles driving and every 2,500 miles thereafter. Cars which are
driven only short distances in cold weather, however, are subject to ex-
treme oil dilution and require more frequent oil changes. Under these
conditions the oil should be changed every 500 to 800 miles.
To drain the oil, place a pail under the drain plug in the oil pan,
insert the end of the jack handle into the drain plug and unscrew and re-
move the plug.
Be very careful to allow all the oil to drain out, then screw in the
drain plug until it is tight and refill the pan with new oil.
Quantity of Oil
The quantity of oil in the oil pan is shown by the oil level indicator
in the left-hand side of the crankcase. Pull out rod, wipe it clean and
put it back, being sure to push it clear down. Pull it out again and the
amount of oil in the oil pan will be indicated by the height of oil on the
rod. Empty and full positions are shown by grooves. Keep the oil as
near the full position as possible.
How to Avoid Oil Dilution and Sludge Formation
Avoid excessive use of the carburetor dash contro.l. After starting
give the engine time to warm up somewhat before driving.
Use a radiator cover during the winter to allow the engine to warm
up more rapidly and also to run at a higher temperature. A cold run-
ning engine acquires dilution much more rapidly than a hot one because
all the fuel injected into the cylinders does not burn. Some of it finds its
way into the oil pan. Heat aids vaporization and promotes perfect com-
A radiator cover will also reduce water formation in the crankcase.
Water, if allowed to collect in the oil circulating system, will pocket
and freeze very readily, stopping the circulation of oil.
Avoid idling for long periods or excessive slow driving. Very low
speeds tend to increase the dilution of the oil.
Change the oil as recommended under "Change Oil Frequently."
Remove the oil pan every six months and clean it thoroughly. In
extremely cold weather it may be advisable to do this more often.
The fuel has something to do with water accumulation and oil dilu-
tion. High test gasoline generally gives better satisfaction in cold
weather as the engine warms up more quickly.
If sludging should occur, make sure that the last trace of the forma-
tion is cleaned from the crankcase before renewing the oil. Remove
the oil pan and clean it and the inside of the crankcase thoroughly.
If this is not properly done sludge will be formed in the new oil with
surprising rapidity.