Number of cylinders
Cylinder Bore
Piston Displacement
3% inches
336 cubic inches
Horse power (N. A. C. C. Rating)
131 and 21 inches
Engine Number—On top surface of fan bracket boss.
Serial Number—on plate riveted to frame under left front
Body Number-—On plate attached to front of dash under
on the weight of any model can be ob-
tained from the dealer.
The Use of This Book
For the convenience of the owner we have divided the book
into three sections, "Operation," "Care" and "Adjustments."
The first section, starting on page 5, contains driving sug-
gestions and information on the instruments and controls.
This section of the book is of great importance and should
be thoroughly read by every owner no matter how experi-
enced a motorist he may be.
The second section, starting on page 16, carries instructions
on the lubrication and care of the car, including many details
which will be of interest to every owner.
The third section, starting on page 35, covers in detail a
number of adjustment operations. To the car owner who
desires to take advantage of the facilities of a Studebaker-
Erskine Service Station, this section may not appeal and it
need not be read unless desired. The book should always
be kept in the car, however, as this section may prove of
value, if at any time when touring, it is necessary to go to a
garage not familiar with the car. Luckily, with the fine net-
work of Studebaker-Erskine dealers, this can seldom happen.
In this connection should be noted the advantages of pre-
ventive maintenance. The experienced motorist will see the
folly of waiting until his car actually needs repairs before go-
ing to his dealer. He will take his car periodically to a Stude-
baker-Er*kine Service Station for inspection and adjustment
thus preventing the possibility of serious difficulty resulting
from neglect. While this practice may seem extravagant on
the surface, it actually is economical. It is one of the best
kinds of insurance you can buy. The investment is small and
it keeps your car working at full efficiency.