4.4 Streaming conguration
SDP le name
Name of the SDP le as it is recognised by the video platform. (Not with
Direct connection)
SDP destination URL
You can set here where the SDP le has to be sent. When a relative URL
is given (e.g. /streams/index.php), it will be combined with the adress
that is given at `Stream destination' to make a complete URL.
Enable monitoring
When monitoring is active, a message is sent every minute via HTTP.
By this the receiver (see `Monitoring URL') knows that the Maven is still
Monitoring URL
Location to which the monitoring information has to be sent. When a
relative URL is given (e.g. /streams/index.php), it will be combined with
the adress that is given at `Stream destination' to make a complete URL.
Enable HTTP access to
You can indicate whether the stream should be accessible via HTTP or
not. This stream comes straight from the Maven at port 8080 and is
identical to the other stream that is transmitted. This can be used for
example to see what the Maven sends out. The URL on which the maven
is accessible, is shown on the status page (see 6)
Play sound on error
You can indicate here how often the Maven makes a downward series of
tones when internet- or serverproblems occur: Never, 1 time, or every
ten seconds.
Version v8.0
Nov 2012
14 of 29