iRecord Music Configuration Utility
Some advanced features of iRecord Music can be accessed via iRecord Music
configuration utility, available for download at Both Windows
and Mac versions are available. The utility can be used to override the default
settings of iRecord Music. Some examples are briefly discussed below. For more
details on the iRecord Music configuration utility, please see its user guide.
Track Splitting
iRecord Music provides an automatic track splitting feature by sensing the
silence interval between two consecutive audio tracks. iRecord Music creates a
new file for each song. This feature can be disabled or tuned via iRecord Music
configuration utility.
iRecord Music Audio Formats and Bit-Rates
iRecord Music records in MP3 audio format by default at a bit-rate of 192 kbps. A
different bit-rate can be chosen via the configuration utility. Instead of MP3 or
AAC, loss-less formats such as FLAC and WAV encoding can also be selected
through the iRecord Music configuration utility.
IRecord Music Firmware Update
iRecord Music's firmware can be upgraded by connecting iRecord Music to a
PC/Mac and copying the firmware update file to iRecord Music's root directory.
When iRecord Music is powered on again and it detects a firmware upgrade file in
its internal memory, it will update itself automatically.
Note: The iRecord Music firmware gets updated as more devices are supported and to keep compatibility with updates of devices as well. The
firmware update is available for downloading from the website,
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