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Sociedades distribuidoras


KARL STORZ  Endoskop Sverige AB 
Storsätragränd 14,  
12724 Skärholmen, Sweden 
Postal address: Po Box 8013,  
14108 Kungens Kurva, Sweden 
Phone: +46 8 50 56 4800, Fax: +46 8 50 56 4848 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Suomi OY 
Valimotie 1 B, 4. kerros, 00380 Helsinki, Finland 
Phone: +358 (0)96824774, Fax: +358 (0)968247755 
E-Mail: [email protected]
Representation Office 
Kestucio g. 59 
08124 Vilnius, Lithuania
KARL STORZ Endoskopi Danmark A/S 
Skovlytoften 33 
2840 Holte, Denmark 
Phone: +45 45162600, Fax: +45 45162609 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (UK) Ltd. 
415 Perth Avenue, Slough 
Berkshire, SL1 4TQ, Great Britain 
Phone: +44 1753 503500, Fax: +44 1753 578124 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopie Nederland B. V. 
Phone: +31 651 938 738
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Belgium N. V. 
Phone: +32 473 810 451, E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopie France S. A. S. 
12, rue Georges Guynemer, Quartier de l’Europe 
78280 Guyancourt, France 
Phone: +33 1 30484200, Fax: +33 1 30484201  
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoskop Austria GmbH 
Landstraßer Hauptstr. 148/1/G1 
1030 Wien, Austria 
Phone: +43 1 71 56 0470, Fax: +43 1 71 56 0479  
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopia Ibérica S. A. 
Parque Empresarial San Fernando 
Edificio Munich – Planta Baja 
28830 Madrid, Spain 
Phone: +34 91 6771051, Fax: +34 91 6772981 
E-Mail: [email protected] 
KARL STORZ Endoscopia Italia S. r. l. 
Via dell’Artigianato, 3 
37135 Verona, Italy 
Phone: +39 045 8222000, Fax: +39 045 8222001 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Adria Eos d.o.o. 
Zadarska 80 
10000 Zagreb, Croatia 
Phone: +385 1 6406 070, Fax: +385 1 6406 077  
E-Mail: [email protected]

Mittelstraße 8, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany 
Postfach 230, 78503 Tuttlingen, Germany 
Phone: +49 (0)7461 708-0, Fax: +49 (0)7461 708-105 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoskope Berlin GmbH 
Ohlauer Straße 43 
10999 Berlin, Germany 
Phone: +49 (0)30 30 69090, Fax: +49 (0)30 30 19452
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Canada Ltd. 
7171 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga  
ON L5N 3R3, Canada 
Phone: +1 905 816-4500, Fax: +1 905 858-4599  
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy-America, Inc. 
2151 East Grand Avenue 
El Segundo, CA 90245-5017, USA 
Phone: +1 424 218-8100,  
Toll free: 800 421-0837 (USA only) 
Fax: +1 424 218-8526 
Toll free: 800 321-1304 (USA only) 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Veterinary Endoscopy America, Inc. 
175 Cremona Drive 
Goleta, CA 93117, USA 
Phone: +1 805 968-7776, Fax: +1 805 685-2588 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopia Latino-America, Inc. 
815 N. W. 57th Avenue, Suite 480 
Miami, FL 33126-2042, USA 
Phone: +1 305 262-8980, Fax: +1 305 262-8986  
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopia  
Miramar Trade Center  
Edificio Jerusalem, Oficina 108, 
La Habana, Cuba 
Phone: +53 72041097, Fax: +53 72041098
KARL STORZ Endoscopia México S.A. de C.V 
Lago Constanza No 326 , Col. Chapultepec Morales 
D.F.C.P. 11520, México, México 
Phone: +52 55 1101-1520, Fax: +52 55 55450174
KARL STORZ Marketing América Do Sul Ltda. 
Rua Joaquim Floriano, nº. 413, 20º andar – Itaim Bibi,  
CEP-04534-011 São Paulo, Brasil 
Phone: +55 11 3526-4600, Fax: +55 11 3526-4680 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopia Argentina S.A. 
Zufriategui 627 6° Piso 
B1638 CAA - Vicente Lopez  
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina 
Phone: +54 11 4718 0919, Fax: +54 11 4718 2773 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoskopi Norge AS 
Østensjøveien 15B 
0661 Oslo, Norway 
Phone: +47 6380 5600, Fax: +47 6380 5601 
[email protected]

KARL STORZ Endoskopija d.o.o. 
Verovškova c. 60A  
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 
Phone: +386 1 620 5880, Fax: + 386 1 620 5882 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoszkóp Magyarország Kft. 
Toberek utca 2. fsz. 17/b 
HU-1112 Budapest, HUNGARY 
Tel.: +36 18775070, Fax: +36 18775070 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopia Romania srl 
Str. Prof. Dr. Anton Colorian, nr. 74, Sector 4 
041393 Bukarest, Romania 
Phone: +40 (0)31 4250800, Fax: +40 (0)31 4250801  
E-Mail: [email protected] 
KARL STORZ Endoskope Greece M.E.P.E.  
Gounari 40,  
15343 Agia Paraskevi/Athens, Greece 
Phone: +30 210 61 31 386, Fax: +30 210 61 31 392 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoskope Greece E.P.E.* 
Patriarhou Grigoriou E’ 34 
54639 Thessaloniki, Greece 
Phone: +30 2310 304868, Fax: +30 2310 304862 

*Repair & Service Subsidiary

KARL STORZ Industrial** 
Gedik Is Merkezi B Blok 
Kat 5, D 38-39, Bagdat Cad. No: 162 
Maltepe Istanbul, Turkey 
Phone: +90 216 442 9500, Fax: +90 216 442 9030 

**Sales for Industrial Endoscopy 

Derbenyevskaya nab. 7, building 4 
115114 Moscow, Russia 
Phone: +7 495 983 02 40, Fax: +7 495 983 02 41 
E-Mail: [email protected]
Obolonska naberezhna, 15  
building 3, office 3 
04210 Kiev, Ukraine 
Phone: +380 44 42668-14, -15, -19 
Fax: +380 44 42668-20
KARL STORZ Endoskope  
East Mediterranean and Gulf S.A.L. 
Block M, 3



Beirut Souks, Weygand Street 
2012 3301 Beirut, Lebanon 
Phone: +961 1 1999390, Fax +961 1 1999391 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd. 
P.O. 6061, Roggebaai 8012, South Africa 
Phone: +27 21 417 2600, Fax: +27 21 421 5103 
E-Mail: [email protected]

KARL STORZ Endoskopy Kasachstan LLP 
6, Saryarka str. BC „Arman“, office430 
010000  Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan 
Phone: +7 7172 552549, 552788 
Fax +7 7172 552444  
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ ENDOSKOPE East Mediterranean & Gulf 
Building 25 (Al-Hayyan) – Units 205 – 206 
Dubai Health Care City, P.O.Box 118069 
Dubai - United Arab Emirates 
Phone: +971 (0)4 4471230 
Fax: +971 (0)4 4471231 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy India Private Ltd. 
D-181, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1 
New Delhi 110020, India 
Phone: +91 11 43743000-30,  
Fax: +91 11 268129 86 
E-Mail: [email protected]
Resident Representative Office 
80/33 (44/19) Dang Van Ngu,  
F.10–Q. Phu Nhuan 
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 
Phone: +848 991 8442, 
Fax: +848 844 0320
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Australia Pty Ltd  
15 Orion Road Lane Cove NSW 2066  
P O Box 50 Lane Cove NSW 1595, Australia 
Phone: +61 (0)2 9490 6700 
Toll free: 1800 996 562 (Australia only) 
Fax: +61 (0)2 9420 0695 
E-Mail: [email protected] 
KARL STORZ Endoscopy China Ltd. 
Hong Kong Representative Office 
Unit 1601, Chinachem Exchange Square 
1 Hoi Wan Street, Quarry Bay,  
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China 
Phone: +8 52 28 65 2411, 
Fax: +8 52 28 65 4114 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (Shanghai) Ltd. 
Beijing Branch Company,  
Room 610, China Life Tower No. 6, Chaowai Street, 
Beijing, 100020, People’s Republic of China 
Phone: +86 10 8525 3725, 
Fax: +86 10 8525 3728 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (Shanghai) Ltd. 
Unit 3901-3904, Tower 1 Grand Gateway 
No. 1 Hong Qiao Road 
Shanghai, 200030, People’s Republic of China 
Phone: +86 21 6113-1188, Fax: +86 21 6113-1199 
E-Mail: [email protected]

KARL STORZ Endoscopy (Shanghai) Ltd. 
Chengdu Branch Company 
F-5, 24/F., Chuanxing Mansion,  
No. 18 Renming Road South 
Chengdu, Sichuan, 610016 
People’s Republic of China 
Phone: +86 28 8620-0175, Fax: +86 28 8620-0177 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (Shanghai) Ltd. 
Shenyang Branch Company, 
Rm 2225, Tower B, City Plaza,  
No. 83, Zhongshan Road, Heping District, 
Shenyang, Liaoning, 110001,  
People‘s Republic of China 
Phone: +86 24 6258 9911, Fax: +86 24 6258 9922 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy (Shanghai) Ltd. 
Guangzhou Branch Company 
Room 1119-20, Dongshan Plaza 
69 Xianlie Road Middle, Dongshan District, 
Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510095,  
People’s Republic of China 
Phone: +86 20 8732-1281, Fax: +86 20 8732-1286 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Asia Marketing Pte Ltd 
No. 8 Commonwealth Lane #03-02 
Singapore 149555, Singapore 
Phone: +65 69229150, Fax: +65 69229155 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Singapore Sales Pte Ltd 
No. 8 Commonwealth Lane #03-02 
Singapore 149555, Singapore 
Phone: +65 69229150, Fax: +65 69229155 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Korea Co. Ltd. 
Jeljon Tower 1, Suite 905 
16 Neuti-Ro, Bundang-Gu 
Seongnam, 463-847, Korea 
Phone: +82-70-4350-7474, Fax: +82-70-8277-3299 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Taiwan Ltd. 
6F-1, No. 10, Sec. 1, Beisin Rd. 
Sindian, Taipei County 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
Phone: +886 933 014 160, Fax: +886 2 8672 6399 
E-Mail: [email protected]
KARL STORZ Endoscopy Japan K. K. 
Stage Bldg. 8F, 2-7-2 Fujimi 
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0071, Japan  
Phone: +81 3 6380-8622, Fax: +81 3 6380-8633 
E-Mail: [email protected]


Summary of Contents for C-MAC 20 2901 31

Page 1: ...1 X 8402 X C MAC PM 8401 XD C CAM 20290131 20290132 Instruction manual C MAC Video laryngoscope series 8401 xx Electronic module 8401 X 8402 X C MAC PM 8401 XD C CAM 20290131 20290132 Gebrauchsanweisu...

Page 2: ...available for ready reference Agradecemos la confianza que ha depositado en la marca KARL STORZ Este producto como el resto de los que fabricamos es el resultado de nuestra amplia experiencia y capaci...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...rung f r Saugkatheter without guide for suction catheter sin gu a para cat ter de succi n 8401 AX BX HX mit F hrung f r Saugkatheter with guide for suction catheter con gu a para cat ter de succi n Be...

Page 5: ...ure 6 Video connection socket on laryngoscope blade 7 LED illuminator 8 Image sensor 9 Electronic module connection 0 Instrument coupling C CAM q Focus ring C CAM w C MAC pocket monitor e TFT monitor...

Page 6: ...oHS Important Observe the accompanying documentation Observe el Manual de instrucciones Pieza de aplicaci n del tipo BF Evitaci n de contaminaci n ambiental debida a aparatos electr nicos China RoHS A...

Page 7: ...manual of the charging station Art No 96076005D 1 NOTE The battery will be approx 80 charged after just 1 hour It takes around 3 hours to charge the battery fully Insert the C MAC PM into the chargin...

Page 8: ...Elektronikmodul 8 C CAM 8 Funktionstasten des Videolaryngoskops 10 Funktionstasten des Monitors 10 Einf hren eines Sauerstoff oder Absaugkatheters 11 Demontage 11 C MAC Tasche 11 Aufbereitung 12 Reini...

Page 9: ...e 8401 X 8402 X and Monitor 8402ZX 8403 ZX or the C MAC PM for endotracheal intubation and the inspection of the oropharynx A separate instruction manual 96076008D is available for Monitor 8403 ZX Con...

Page 10: ...ngoskop sowie der C MAC Monitor 8402 ZX wur den erfolgreich einem Fall und Crashtest unterzogen 1 HINWEIS Das C MAC Videolaryngoskop sowie der C MAC Monitor 8402 ZX wur den erfolgreich auf den MIL STD...

Page 11: ...refully The words Warning Caution and Note convey special meanings Wherever they are used in this manual they should be carefully reviewed to ensure the safe and effective operation of this product To...

Page 12: ...ARNING Danger of glare Never look directly into the light outlet at the tip of the blade WARNING The high intensity light emitted by the laryngoscope may lead to raised temperatures at the light outle...

Page 13: ...ary 1 NOTE Depending on the composition of the image there may be a slight image reduction in the first 5 8 seconds The C MAC video laryngoscope with C MAC PM is ready for operation 3 WARNING After 10...

Page 14: ...harge status symbol flashes red the charge of the C MAC PM is too low In this state it will only function for another 10 minutes Connect the C MAC PM to the corresponding charge station 8401 XDL when...

Page 15: ...ope rotate the outer ring of the coupling against the spring force in the direction of the arrow insert the DIN endoscope or fiberscope eyepiece and release the outer ring The spring force enables the...

Page 16: ...iebes konnektiert oder diskonnektiert werden Monitor am Ein Ausschalter einschalten Kontrollleuchte leuchtet Insert the cable from the power supply into the corresponding connection socket of the moni...

Page 17: ...ado un MPEG 4 Codec en el ordenador Einzelbildspeicherung Durch Bet tigung der Funktionstaste Einzelbildspeicherung 5 wird der aktuelle Bildschirminhalt auf die in den angeschlossenen Monitor 8403 ZX...

Page 18: ...hrung wird die Sonde der Katheter soweit ber die F hrung vorgeschoben bis die Sichtbarkeit im Bild gew hrleistet ist Bei Verwendung des Spatels 8401 AX k nnen die Katheter 14 Charr gr n und 16 Charr o...

Page 19: ...amente tanto el enchufe de conexi n como tambi n el conector correspondiente en el laringoscopio y en el m dulo electr nico son absolutamente estancos Las tres conexiones son tambi n resistentes frent...

Page 20: ...efully prefer ably using sterile compressed air 1 NOTA La preparaci n por medio de STERRAD puede producir alteraciones en el aspecto de la superficie de la esp tula 2 ADVERTENCIA El laringoscopio y el...

Page 21: ...nfektionsautomaten mit maximal 65 C reinigen und chemisch desinfizieren Das Trocknungsprogramm darf eine Temperatur von 65 C ebenfalls nicht berschreiten Optische Fl chen von Bildchip 8 und LED Beleuc...

Page 22: ...ystem 1E Gas or plasma sterilize the C MAC video laryngoscope and store disassembled Esterilizaci n 2 ADVERTENCIA El videolaringoscopio C MAC el m dulo electr nico 8401 ZX 8402 ZX 8403 ZX y el C MAC P...

Page 23: ...ones o reparaciones se realicen exclusivamente a cargo de las personas autorizadas por KARL STORZ y el instrumento se utilice en concordancia con el Manual de instrucciones Garantie Die Garantiegew hr...

Page 24: ...eport DRF Luftrettung f r 8401 AX BX HX AXC BXC DXC GXC KXC HXP X XD ZX f r 8402 X ZX f r 8402 X ZX 20 2901 31 20 2901 32 MIL STD 461F Fixed Wing f r 8401 XD 20 2901 31 20 2901 32 DO 160F Conformidad...

Page 25: ...ntos y equipos antes de enviarlos a su reparaci n Nos reservamos el derecho de devolver a su propietario aquellos instrumentos aparatos que estuvieran contaminados Entsorgung Dieses Ger t ist entsprec...

Page 26: ...fl sung 320 240 Illumination LED weiss 1 W Farbeinstellungen Grundeinstellungen 8403 ZX Helligkeit 40 Kontrast 35 S ttigung 40 Farbton 50 8402 ZX Helligkeit 30 Kontrast 25 S ttigung 40 Farbton 100 840...

Page 27: ...MAC PM 8401 XD Frequency DC Voltage 3 7V Power consumption 1 5 W Protection against submersion IPX8 C CAM 202901 31 202901 32 Camera technology CMOS Camera resolution 640 x 480 Protection against sub...

Page 28: ...modul C MAC PM bis zum Anschlag einschieben Elektronikmodul C MAC PM bzw Versorgungsger t zur Reparatur an 4 5614 UGPFGP Fehlerbeschreibung Tr bes Bild Streifen Schlieren und hnliches M gliche Ursache...

Page 29: ...iche Ursachen kein MPEG 4 Codec installiert Abhilfe MPEG 4 Codec auf dem PC installieren Descripci n del problema La reproducci n del color cambia Causas posibles El cable de conexi n de la c mara est...

Page 30: grabar datos en la tarjeta de memoria SD Causas posibles Tarjeta de memoria SD mal formateada Soluci n Formatee la tarjeta de memoria SD en el ordenador con el sistema FAT est ndar Error descripti...

Page 31: ...s with several storage options for C MAC video laryngoscopes with C MAC pocket monitor and for conventional laryngoscopes for use with C MAC pocket monitor 8401 XDK C MAC video laryngoscopes and conve...

Page 32: ...are included in this Appendix provide information to the cus tomer or user that is essential in determining the suitability of the equipment or system for the elec tromagnetic environment of use and...

Page 33: ...may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the C MAC video laryn goscope 8401 AX BX HX AXC BXC DXC GXC KXC HXP in conjunction with the electronics mod ule 8401 X 8402 X and the monitor...

Page 34: ...t anwendbar Aussendungen von Spannungsschwankungen NKEMGT PCEJ Erf llt Table 1 Guidance and manufacturer s declaration electromagnetic emissions The C MAC video laryngoscope 8401 AX BX HX AXC BXC DXC...

Page 35: ...g a AF exclusivamente para su funci n interna Por ello sus emisiones de RF son muy bajas y no es probable que causen cualquier interferencia en los equipos electr nicos en las proximidades Emisiones d...

Page 36: ...n Sto spannungen Surges nach IEC 61000 4 5 1 kV Gegentaktspannung 2 kV Gleichtaktspannung Stimmt berein 1 kV Gegentaktspannung 2 kV Gleichtaktspannung Die Qualit t der Versorgungsspannung sollte der e...

Page 37: ...Surge IEC 61000 4 5 1 kV differential mode 2 kV common mode Complies 1 kV differential mode 2 kV common mode Mains power quality should be that of a typical commercial or hos pital environment Voltag...

Page 38: ...orma CEI 61000 4 5 1 kV en modo diferencia 2 kV en modo com n Cumple 1 kV en modo diferencia 2 kV en modo com n La calidad de la red de alimentaci n deber a ser la de un entorno comercial t pico o la...

Page 39: Funksender sollte bei allen Frequenzen gem einer Untersuchung vor Ort a geringer als der bereinstimmungspegel sein b In der Umgebung von Ger ten die das folgende Bildzeichen tragen sind St rungen m...

Page 40: ...rom fixed RF transmitters as determined by an electromagnetic site surveya should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range b Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked...

Page 41: electromagn tico del lugar a deber an estar por debajo del nivel de conformidad en cada rango de frecuencia b La interferencia puede ocurrir en la vecindad del equipo marcado con el siguiente s mbo...

Page 42: ...Nennleistung des Senders W Schutzabstand d m abh ngig von der Sendefrequenz 150 kHz bis 80 MHz 80 MHz bis 800 MHz 800 MHz bis 2 5 GHz 0 01 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 10 3 7 3 7 7 4 F r...

Page 43: ...aximum out put power of trans mitter W Separation distance d m according to frequency of transmitter 150 kHz to 80 MHz 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2 5 GHz 0 01 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 7 1 1 2 1 2 2...

Page 44: ...da asignada al transmisor W Distancia de separaci n d m conforme a la frecuencia del transmisor 150 kHz a 80 MHz 80 MHz a 800 MHz 800 MHz a 2 5 GHz 0 01 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 10 3...

Page 45: ......

Page 46: ...10 61 31 392 E Mail sales karlstorz gr KARL STORZ Endoskope Greece E P E Patriarhou Grigoriou E 34 54639 Thessaloniki Greece Phone 30 2310 304868 Fax 30 2310 304862 Repair Service Subsidiary KARL STOR...

Page 47: ......

Page 48: ...KARL STORZ GmbH Co KG Mittelstrasse 8 78532 Tuttlingen Postfach 230 78503 Tuttlingen Germany Telefon 49 0 7461 708 0 Telefax 49 0 7461 708 105 E Mail info karlstorz com Web www karlstorz com...
