10Gb Ethernet
A 10 gigabit per second (Gb/s) Ethernet con-
nection using either fibre-optic cables or twis-
ted-pair copper wires.
10Gb iSCSI
An iSCSI connection that runs on a 10Gb Eth-
ernet network.
See 10Gb Ethernet and 10Gb iSCSI.
active drawer
A slide-out container on the front of Nexsan
Storage Systems that houses the disk drives
used by the system for data storage. Also
sometimes referred to as a “pod” in event logs
and other internal statistics.
Active Drawer Technology
Nexsan’s industry-first technology which
enables users to replace drives and perform
certain maintenance tasks without powering
off the system and without interrupting service.
An advanced, built-in cable management sys-
tem allows cables to extend and retract with
the active drawer for easy servicing.
Anti-Vibration Design
Nexsan’s proprietary disk installation scheme
wherein drives are loaded into the chassis in
opposite-facing pairs. Disks in each pair rotate
in opposite directions and serve to self-
dampen any related vibration.
antistatic wrist strap
An anti-static device used to prevent elec-
trostatic discharge (ESD) by safely grounding
a person working on electronic equipment.
Also called an ESD strap or a grounding brace-
A linked group of one or more physical, inde-
pendent hard disk drives. See also RAID.
The smallest unit of digital data, representing
a 0 or a 1. Abbreviated “b”.
A unit of data that is 8 bits long. Often used for
alphanumeric characters. Abbreviated “B”.
Nexsan E48X and Nexsan E60X
Installation Guide