MS 192 T
Check and clean the mating
faces (arrows) on the cylinder.
Mating faces must be absolutely
clean and undamaged.
Parts with damaged mating faces
must be replaced.
217RA146 TG
Whenever the engine pan has been
disassembled, the mating faces
must be cleaned and fresh sealing
compound applied,
Before closing the crankcase,
ensure that the cylindrical
crankshaft stub (1) is on the side of
the cylinder exhaust port (arrow).
16 TG
Use oil seal (1) 9639 003 1206 for
installation on the closed
Use oil seal (2) 9639 003 1205 for
installation on the open crankcase.
217RA085 TG
Slip new oil seals onto the
crankshaft stub with the open
side facing the crankshaft.
217RA149 TG
Apply sealing compound to the
outside diameter (arrows) of the
oil seals,
217RA150 TG
Fit the crankshaft with bearings
and oil seals in the bearing
guides on the cylinder, taking
care to ensure that the oil seals
are flush (arrow).
217RA151 TG
– Check and clean the mating
faces on the engine pan.
Mating faces must be absolutely
clean and undamaged. Parts with
damaged mating faces must be
217RA147 TG
Apply sealing compound to the
groove on the circumference