A new redesign of an Old classic Stewart Filmscreens’ Luxus offers a premium below ceiling viewing
experience The newly redesigned case allows the screen to deploy close to the wall or safely in front
of your décor With the combination of your choice of several control / mounting options and Stewart
Filmscreen’s world renowned premium screen materials, this screen is one of the most versatile screens
we have to offer
Carefully read the instructions appropriate for your needs
This screen must be installed by a qualified electrician
For supply connections, use wires rated for at least 75 C
Use copper or aluminum conductors
For indoor use only
Do not connect low-voltage to line-voltage power
Article 725-54(a), (1) Exception No 3 (NEC) or Canadian CE Code Handbook, Rule 16-212, Sub Rule (4)
requires segregation between line-voltage and Class 2 (low-voltage) circuits Low-voltage / network
wires should enter enclosure boxes through separated openings Also, conductors shall be separated
by at least 1/4” or segregated by barriers Check with your local electrical inspector for compliance
with local / national codes and wiring practices
Earth ground terminal connection must be made as shown in wiring diagrams
Proper short-circuit and overload protection must be provided at the circuit breaker distribution
panel You can use up to a 20A maximum circuit breaker with adequate short-circuit breaking
capacity for your installation